Register for

National DWB USA Course at NRC, Memorial Day Weekend, May 25-29, 2023

The registration price includes the course program, meals, and camping on site at the NRC. Please see the course website for hotel recommendations and ride-sharing options.

Please choose an option

Arrival and departure

When do you arrive?

in the

When do you leave?


You can pay on-site for children. Please tell us how many and how old in the comments below. ($15/day)
We'll have a limited number of tents for rental. We will contact you with confirmation and more info about price, size, etc.
Over the years, our courses have attracted individuals who wished to attend but lacked the financial resources. Through the generosity of friends we have been able to accommodate all of them. We would like to offer the opportunity to all course registrants to help if they are able. Contributions are anonymous. Any funds that don't get used for scholarship for this course will be absorbed in this course budget or will be used toward future scholarships for attending Diamond Way Buddhism events.

Your information

First name

Last name

Email address

Phone number - optional

Any allergies or food restrictions?

Any comments about your registration?

Price for the options you selected

Package price for the full program (May 25-29) 300.00
Total $300.00

Please check your details before submitting. If you have any questions, please write to us and we'll be happy to help: